There are few elements of handbag history as recognizable and inventive as the curved handles of the famous Gucci Bamboo Handbags, and like innovations in every sector from astrophysics to candy-making, necessity was the mother of this particular invention. Investigate the history of the company’s signature handle design and some of the famous hands that have held it since its inception.
In 1947, when the iconic Gucci bamboo handles first appeared, World War II was still in its final stages and countries the world over were rationing resources. That was especially true in Europe, where artisans at Gucci were being pressured to find materials that weren’t subject to restriction to use in their designs. Bamboo cane could still be imported from Japan, and Gucci craftsman developed a patented method to heat and bend the bamboo in such a way that it would retain its shape once cooled and affixed to a handbag.
The bamboo handles were so interesting and distinctive that the bags became an instant hit, sticking around well past the end of the war to be carried by some of the biggest celebrities and tastemakers of the 1950s and 60s. Under current Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele, the iconic bamboo handles have been revived in a whole new way.
Words by Amanda Mull.
The History of Gucci's Iconic Bamboo Handle
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